Basic Bookkeeping
To begin, you must forget all you think you know about bookkeeping. All you life you have been dealing with Debit cards and Credit cards and Bank Statements that do not reflect how bookkeeping records transactions so try to go into this without any preconceived notions of how this are or should be. Do not get frustrated as you will learn this material, but only after you accept the information and practise again and again and again.
This level includes:
- Account Types (Assets, Liabilities, Equities, Revenues & Expenses)
- Account Names (Account numbers come later)
- General Journal entries
The exercises are in groups of 3. Each group covers the same material, but with different amounts. Do them in order so you advance at a logical pace.
- Exercise A1
Exercise A2
Exercise A3 - Exercise B1
Exercise B2
Exercise B3 - Exercise C1
Exercise C2
Exercise C3 - Exercise D1
Exercise D2
Exercise D3 - Exercise E1
Exercise E2
Exercise E3
You must completely understand each group before moving on.
The quizzes are designed to test your knowledge. If you are having trouble with the exercises, practise the quizzes to boost your understanding.
The Supplemental Information is designed help further your understanding of the material. If you are having trouble with the exercises, take a look at this material.